Friday, June 21, 2013

First Day of Summer - Lynora Lawless

1 comment:

  1. “Sailing in Love.” I named this pretty photo “Sailing in Love” because of the seemingly loving couple that is walking on the boardwalk, closely to several sailboats. I chose the word sailing, not only because of the boats, but also because of how the couple is walking forward together, interlocked. This work looks like a still shot from a romantic comedy, and it definitely tells a story of a young couple who are madly in love with one another, as they walk with their arms wrapped around one another. The sun looks like it is rising and the couple may have been out all night on a boat with each other, and are finally making their way back home.

    This photo evokes associations of love, warm air, sailing, fishing, summer picnics, and tourism. I think one element that works well with this photograph is the space and distance between the photographer and the subject. Because she is so far away, it makes viewers (or me at least) feel like we are spying on someone. The perspective of this photo can provoke a lot of feelings such as admiration, envy, coziness etc. I think that an element that needs improvement is the contrast of color. It would be nice to see a bit more work with levels and curves in this image, because there are certain elements that could pop more like the water. The sky looks beautiful, and I think the soft colors can be brought out a little more.
