Friday, June 21, 2013

Artificial - Jess Moore

1 comment:

  1. Title - "Little Boxes"

    I am not sure if this was intentional but this photo reminds me of the song, "Little Boxes" by Malvina Reynolds that regained popularity with the Showtime series, Weeds. While the show was exploring a "unique" drama of a suburban mother turned drug dealer, this picture brings up other shows and movies that hide financial worries or perceived social anomalies behind the white picket fences and Astroturf.
    If the aforementioned tune was not so delightfully cheeky and accurate, I may have associated this photo with a darker variant that is found in Robin Williams’’ One Hour Photo or Season four of Dexter. Particularly because that season’s villain, The Trinity Killer, who is a family man but controls the family with fear and ridicule. The series’ central problem is hiding a killer in plain sight and that season in particular was trying to see if one could be a killer and a father of three. The darker path gives me problems worth worrying over than the self-created dramas found in Desperate Housewives or Real Housewives of Some Major City.

    The only thing that would make this better in my mind is an aerial shot. But the photographer does not have those capabilities so I am not going to wish for something that can't happen. A happy medium may include seeing more of the houses and less of the road may make the sameness of the neighborhood more prominent. But then the fact that the road is green, as if a coat of paint will make it less of a road is almost mocking. I giggled a bit when seeing that.
