Monday, June 24, 2013

Something Humanity Cannot Live Without - Dave Byrd


  1. And now I am going to bake some.

  2. After reviewing all submissions related to this topic, Dave’s image of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk placed on a table outdoors works well with one of the general themes I found: tangible items someone has a strong affinity for. There were other items that fit within this theme including tea, headphones, a special shower soap and running shoes. These items play a role in each individual’s lifestyle and all seem to have a positive impact on their mood.

    I would guess that Dave enjoys this sweet snack at the end of a long day – or while hanging with his children. It was probably something he remembered enjoying as a kid and still enjoys to this day. This is comparable to Chris’ picture of a pair of headphones. He may listen to music to unwind after a stressful day or to energize him before a big event. The act of listening to music just like the act of eating cookies is an enjoyable activity for each respective person. Therefore, choosing to photograph an item that represents an activity enjoyed by oneself works well within this theme.

    I also like how Dave framed this picture and shot the image with a short depth of field. The pattern on the table is cute so it is a nice way to display the milk and cookies. Because the picture was taken outside, it triggered memories of eating an afternoon snack outside after playing in the yard for hours as a child – so that was nice!

    Other contrasting themes present in this topic are people and animals through which the photographer has a strong emotional connection; and, images of light, fire and water – all elements that human beings literally couldn’t live without.
