Thursday, June 20, 2013

Boredom - Lynora Lawless


  1. The picture shows me a lady who is suffering the boredom. Her eyes are looking down, with an empty stare. Behind her, the blurred background provides the setting—a lifeless phone put on the desk, and a few of odds and ends piled on it. I assume that the lay feels so boring that she doesn’t care whether the room has a tidy appearance. Moreover, although the sofa, where she is sitting on, has a bright color, it doesn’t change her emotion; rather, it accentuates the ennui of her life.

    Due to the composition the photographer uses, the photo reflects the true emotion of real life. Not every moment is exciting; not every day is a sunny day. Sometimes, I have same moments that gaze at the somewhere but nothing in my mind. The setting mirrors daily life for most of the people. As a result, the photo builds up the common ground for the viewers.

    Proper cropping and appropriate shooting angle create an interesting story for the viewer. In fact, cropping from shoulder provide me a close up, forcing my eyes to focus on her face, and to notice her eyes. Shooting from above shows me different angles about her eyes—one is looking down and another is almost closed. I can feel that she is in tedium.

    If there is something that needs to be improved, I may suggest cropping the right edge a bit as the details shown in the desk distract me from the focus. Even so, it is a minor thing that will not affect visual effect on the photo. Moreover, the blond hair and red sofa are really helpful as they attract my attention to the character instantly. Overall, it is a nice piece catching people’s sensation.

  2. The name for this photo is : What a boring day!

  3. Is she bored or sad. This could read either way. We need more clues.

    I'd like to see more of the background. It might give us an insight whether she's bored, or upset.
