Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Boredom - Jess Moore



  1. Title- "Idle Hands"

    Glory! Change these cookies to Little Debbie Nutty Bars and that would have been me an hour ago. I hate boredom eating. It has given me 30 pounds I don't need. What makes this work, or add an extra punch is the plate under the dividing wrapper. I think if this indulgence was a stress or emotional eating session that there would be no plate. I also like how these are not Milanos or Oreos. I have movie references for both names and they are fixed in my mind as sexual substitutes or a comfort food for romantic depression. It does not help that their prospective commercials imply that they should be associated with such feelings.

    But I wonder if boredom eating is partly due to such commercials and the random negative thoughts we associate with being bored. I know that when I get bored, I am reminded of the mean things my parent said and will seek to fill that idle moment with a movie or something.

    Anyway, I like the close up on the wrapper, but the shot could have been closer or the elements of the plate and the package could be reversed. I think I would find the impact of boredom eating would be more in your face if the plate was in the foreground and the package was in the background. Then the action would have a bigger empathetic impact. It can be argued that eliminating the package as a whole may make this image stronger.

    Word Count - 253

  2. What makes this boredom and not an empty plate. What else could you add to sell the theme?
    It's flat. Use PS levels and curves to help that out. Depth of field nice.
