Thursday, June 20, 2013

Boredom - Mariama Gregory


  1. I'm not sure how this relates to the theme.

    1. It's a snail. They move incredibly slow and do absolutely nothing....boring :)

      Should I do this over?

    2. I love this idea. The snail is not bored, but the person viewing it may say "boring". This is totally thinking outside of the box. Since we all have a different mind, we tend to think differently. Boredom is relative and is not defined the same to everyone. Great job!

      My Critique:
      The spacious white wall takes up a great percentage of the photo; maybe a cropping it a bit and zooming in on the snail would bring more attention to the snail and not the wall. I think that even if the picture were just of the snail it would have portrayed the same meaning simply because of the snails characteristics. The lighting is natural and captures the detail of the snails color. The object is centered and is in focus. Although the snail is the smaller object in the picture, my eye still zoomed in on it because of the contrast of the colors (light and dark). Also, the texture in the wall is minimal, but you can still see that the texture is there.

      When I first saw this I too said, "I don't get it" but then it puzzled me so much that I had to look at it from a different perspective. Art should open your mind and this concept does that.

      - end critique-

      Mariama, I am sure it was hard for you to find boredom in your location. :-) Take Care and again, great job!
