Monday, June 3, 2013

Self Portrait-- Yi Xue


  1. The overall tone of the photo seems somber or maybe just really relaxed with the dark background. You've successfully used the rule of thirds, placing the subject in the right quadrant of the photograph with the face pointing to the left. The space (from eye to left side of the pic) given for the eye line is great. The subject's black hair gets a little lost in the black background, so maybe a little more light should've been added to the subject and the book, which seems to tell a little more about the subject's personality.

    The color is good. The red dress adds some contrast from the background. There are no distractions in the background, which leaves the viewer to concentrate only on the subject. The spot of light on the top left of the picture is nice, but perhaps a little more intensity to separate the subject from the background more, unless this is the look you were going for.

    No angles were used; the photo was shot straight on. The subject is balanced well juxtaposed to the dead space on the left of the photograph. The dress and magazine adds a little texture in the photograph. I want to read the magazine!

    The photographed was shot at a medium depth of field. The focus is good. However, there is a lot of noise/grain/artifacts in the picture. Perhaps, this is from a high ISO or slow shutter speed in order to capture the subject in a darker environment. Overall, I like the message of the photograph and the tone. Almost TIME magazine-ish!

  2. Your composition is very delicate. There's a fighting dichotomy between the magazine and the dress. One is saying traditional the other is saying change. Your eyeline/framing is very good. It makes us feel there is something out there (beyond the frame) that's better than what she holds in her hands.
    It's a bit dark. Go into Photoshop and bring up the levels/curves a bit… and you'll have it.
