Monday, June 3, 2013

Self Portrait-Kyle Routson


  1. Kyle’s photograph is a beautiful self-portrait. The softness and black and white effect of the image pulls the viewer deeper into the picture. The deliberate choice to edit the photograph in black and white was a smart decision for this photograph because it shows the simplicity and vulnerability of Kyle in this moment. There is a calm, yet gloomy mood to the photograph. Kyle has created a wonderfully balanced photograph, in which, as she’s the subject in the foreground, she is complimented by the intimate spacing with her background.

    There is a short depth of field, which is great for this type of photo because it allows the viewer to have a close and clear look at the subject without any distraction from the background. Kyle appears to be lying on her bed with her head propped on what appears to be a pillow. From the perspective of the camera, we can see that she is not wearing much clothing, if any. Kyle shows the beauty of her skin, as it glows in contrast to the darkness of her hair and eyes.

    Besides the fact that the photograph is in Black and White, and its strong contrast between dark and light, the photo presents a great use of shadows. The shadows lightly appear on the subject’s face, beneath her eyes. Fortunately, the shadows are not distracting and actually work well with the image and further supports the idea that there is a story. As all photographs should tell stories, I think Kyle did an awesome job creating a story that suggests strong emotion and vulnerability.

  2. Beautiful composition and camera work. They eyes are really haunting.
    There is very little difference between your highlights and shadows in this print. Get into levels and curves and even it out. The lighting is all pretty flat. Remember when shooting for black and white, and the person is light skinned, you need to over exposure the original image by 1-2 stops. The meter reads middle gray, light skin isn't middle gray.

  3. Kyle - This is a great photograph. (I was gonna critique it, but Imani beat me to it!). The composition and focus are great. I like the lighting. I think it hints at vulnerability, which is countered by the strong, calm, unflappable look on your face. I would suggest some eye-brightening if you are so inclined:

    Anyway, cool shot.
