Monday, June 3, 2013

Self-portrait - David Byrd


  1. Subject is out of focus. Focus is on the background. The image didn't record metadata, but it looks like a medium depth of field. Long probably would have worked better. Or, put the focus on the subject.

    1. I shot with a Tamron 17-50 and maxed out at f/32. I cropped it perhaps by a third to put more emphasis on the rain puddles than me. I shoot in RAW, so when I convert it to JPG I must lose the metadata. Would you like me to include that info in my submissions?

  2. No, I'll get it when I get the images this weekend. It seems the blog strips the metadata. Ho, hum. If you were at f32... then you needed more distance between the camera and subject. Looks like your focus point is somewhere in the trees. Did you have a helper or was this on a timer? Time would have been anyone's guess. Not easy to pull off.
