Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Something I made - Julie Simon


  1. What I love most about this photo is how the light and shadow add to the softness of the image. I'm assuming this is something you're weaving and that's a boat shuttle? (If not, you can insert the proper terminology, because I'm not 100% sure where I knew that from anyway, haha.) I really admire how you played with focus. The shuttle is in focus, but so is the woven fabric, so you can see the direction of the weave. The shadow and the lines of the fabric draw my eye, but it all seems to somehow lead back to the shuttle. The snippet of background we get isn't distracting because of the colors and focus. The soft pastels of the fabric further add to the image, and I get an overall sense of calm from this. It seems to be an activity you love because of the way you treated the subject.

    I don't think this would be the same image if you had chosen a different angle. The angle and the focus capture the shadows and the lines which really makes this work. The light highlighting the shuttle and different patches of the fabric compliment the softness of the colors and the fabric. The darker background helps the image stand out, despite being as soft as it is. I definitely believe this would work different with a lighter background.

    Great job! This is probably one of my favorites because of the sense of calm I get when looking at it. Weaving is also something I've always wanted to do also, so the subject matter drew my attention. (I do the loom knitting, but I don't have the space for much more than that.)

  2. (You can omit one of the two "also's" in that 2nd to last sentence. ;)

  3. Description to someone who can't see it:

    This photo is of fabric on a loom that has been woven. The colors are soft pastels of pink, green, yellow, and blue. The angles of the shadows and light play across the lines of the fabric and draw your attention to the wooden shuttle resting at the top of the image on the woven fabric. The shuttle is pointing off towards the left side of the image, creating more lines that emphasize the focus. Here you can really see the textures of the fabric and the lines of the weave. The overall affect is soothing and calming because of the soft light and the soft colors and fabric.
