Thursday, June 20, 2013

Artificial ---Yi Xue

1 comment:

  1. I entitled this photograph “Shrinking World” because to me it represents how the world has become more accessible to all of us, in this case because of the advent of modern transportation.

    The abstract nature of the photograph makes it more effective. The aircraft, although obviously a model, is nevertheless the most “real” thing in the image,, and therefore contributes to pushing the viewer’s eye to it. The green ball(?), represents earth to me—it would have been ineffective and distracting had you used a globe. The blue background is representative of the sky, but is not quite the same color to me as the sky, so again makes it more effective as an abstract.

    The lighting (to the right and above, as well as to the right and somewhat below?) works effectively because it suggests night and day on earth and in the sky. I also liked your cropping—it forces the viewer to look at where the aircraft is heading (forward into and over the horizon) rather than just on the aircraft itself. Similarly, the shallow depth of field contributes to the illusion that the model is heading into some distant place, although it is obvious to the viewer that one is looking at a model and a ball.

    The only distracting element of the image I found was the reflection on the aircraft’s fuselage below the word American. On the one hand, I didn’t care for it; on the other, it almost serves as an underscore for that word, and might be effective as an advertising tool for that airline.
