Thursday, June 20, 2013

Artificial--Sarah Magida


  1. “Part of Your World”

    Looking at this photo, I started to sing the first line from Disney’s Little Mermaid “Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat” which in part really describes it – it’s “stuff” on a shelf in what looks like one of those shops at the beach which is “neat.” A lot of times I just call those shops junk drawers, but this particular shop is a little bit of a step up, maybe not all of their things are from China. This seems to be on the top shelp making the space look larger and has more air and light. The focus is on a mermaid made to look like she is crafted from sand, a cute tchotchke that I would have loved as a kid, right at the age when I watched the Little Mermaid over and over, and she is surrounded by other sand castles for sale.

    The look on the mermaid is very much like Mona Lisa, just a slight curl in the corner of her mouth. Playing coy, because really she wants you to spend your money on her, to take her home so that she can be “Part of Your World.”

    The way the items are set in their rows really gives great perspective, lovely repetition, and because each object is made with a different shade of sand it helps add to that depth.

    I would say that the only improvement would be to lower the camera – not even an inch, but her gaze is looking down a bit, and it would be nice to have her looking the camera.

  2. (or you can probably photoshop her eyes too)
