Thursday, May 30, 2013

The 20-day Photo Challenge FAQ

Welcome to the 20-Day Photo Challenge.  Over the next 4-weeks (M-F) you'll be given concepts to photograph.  Those are released on Sakai, in the Assignments section, at 12:01 AM each day.  Those photos need to be posted to the blog by 11:59 PM that day.  Three times a week you'll be asked to write about/critique the work of your classmates.  I want you to write about very specific things.  Please read the Critique assignment for each week (released each Monday).

Plan to carry your camera with you 24/7 for the next month.  You don't know what will inspire you.  I expect you to think about your work.  Snapshots are not acceptable.  Use the techniques learned in the workshop.

Please post your daily pictures to the blog by hitting the New Post button in the upper right hand corner. Title your post by using today's subject, "Clouds" followed by your name.  For example:  Clouds - Julie Simon.  Each daily image is a new post.

The blog address:

Your writing is done in the comments section of the photographs you pick to critique.

This is a closed blog.  Only the members of the class can view what is posted.

Please email me with any questions/problems immediately.  This class will move very fast, you can't afford to let up for a second,